Friendly World Cup test match in Hungary: Action against Roma resentment and support for alle bleiben! (literally: everyone stays!)

On Saturday, 29.05.2010 a World Cup test match between the Hungarian and German team took place in Hungary. It was accompanied by an action for fighting the hostility against Roma. Among the guests of the German Football  Association (DFB) were the Vice President of the German Bundestag, Petra Pau, the German ambassador in Hungary, Dorothee Janetzke-Wenzel and the chairman of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, Romani Rose. Besides, Jaques Delfeld, the feminist Chantal Michèle, Julie George and Mr Hamze Bytyci of Amaro Drom eV from Berlin and Mr. Kenan Emini from the Roma Center Göttingen eV. attended the match.

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The participants and guests had the chance to visit the village Tatárszentgyörgyvv before the game. The place is known for the treacherous murder on Róbert Csorba (27) and his young son (4) in February 2009, which where killed while fleeing from their previously lighted house. Currently a project to rebuild the family home takes place.

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Theo Zwanziger (President of the German Football Association) and Hermann Korfmacher (Vice-President of the German Football Association)

The initiative alle bleiben! was strongly supported by the football players, politicians and other guests which gave their signature on our handout. In particular Petra Paul assured that she supports the campaign very much.

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 Dorothee Janetzke-Wenzel (German Ambassador in Hungary)

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Here is the Flyer Signed by Arne Friedrich and Piotr Trochowski:


News on romano_liloro

Campaign “Alle Bleiben” in football match between Germany and Hungary

On May 29th prior to the football match between Germany and Hungary in Budapest an action calling up for tolerance and for stopping anti-Gypsyism took place. Representatives of the campaign “Alle Bleiben!” (Stay for all!) which works against the repatriation of Roma from Germany to Kosovo took part in the action raising awareness of the dramatic situation Roma are facing in Kosovo being victims of violent racism and extreme poverty. Romani Rose (Central Council of the Sinti and Roma in Germany), Kenan Emini (Roma Centre Goettingen), Hamze Bytyci (Amaro Drom) and German politicians participated in the event. Several players from the German team and German politicians expressed their support for the campaign “Alle Bleiben”. Representatives of the campaign call up on organisations and individuals to join it taking part in actions against the repatriations of Roma to Kosovo.

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